Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Leah's Tourney Information


Leah Burton 2nd Annual Memorial Golf Tourney & Golf Course Walk

Lancaster Riverside Golf Club
Lancaster, Minnesota

Friday, August 5th (Leah’s 70th Birthday)

Leah’s Golf Course Walk for the Cure

Registration at 7:30am, Walk begins at 8am.

Cost: $15 – includes walk, pedometer, bracelet and light breakfast.

Leah’s Tourney 4-Person Golf Tournament

Registration at 8:30am, Tourney begins at 9:30am.

Register by calling 218-762-4653 (leave a message if no answer).

Cost: $60 per person – includes t-shirt, light breakfast, lunch and supper. All golfers are eligible for door prizes, supper, and 18 holes of golf.

Chicken and Pork Loin Supper – 4:30 to 7:30pm

Not a golfer? No problem!

Come out and enjoy supper and support the fight against cancer!

Cost: $15

Polaris Ranger tickets on sale now!

Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the evening. Drawings will be held after supper.

Proceeds from Leah’s Tourney will go towards Leah’s annual golf tournament and the Kittson County Cancer Society.

For questions please email Mendy at rmcoffield@wiktel.com or Shirley at shirleys@wiktel.com or text Mendy at 218-988-2015 or Shirley at 218-843-1067.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

Woodcarving Registration Form


Lake Bronson State Park, Lake Bronson, MN

Saturday and Sunday
August 6 and 7, 2011

  • Competition will be in the Visitors Center and the Displays will be open air.
  • A picnic table or space for a vehicle display (limited number) will be provided.
  • No charge for displays or competition, but a state park vehicle permit is required.
  • You can reserve a campsite by calling 1-866-85PARKS or internationally 1-605-718-3030. Phones are open 7am to 10pm, 7 days a week. Or, you can reserve a site on-line at www.stayatmnparks.com. Designate “lakeside” if you want to be part of the carver group, if possible. Please specify if you need an electric camp site.
    Along with the category awards, a special Friends of the Park Award will be chosen for the best carving representing Cats. See the list of categories, rules and general information.

For more information please contact Tammy Blawat at tammy.blawat@borderstatebank.com or by phone at (218) 689-2490.

If you would like to take part in the festival, please return this form by July 23, 2011 to: Tammy Blawat, 25370 County Rd 7 Greenbush, MN 56726.

I would like to take part in the Annual International Woodcarvers &
Arts Festival. The applicant, by signing below, recognizes that the program involves some level of risk and that s/he takes responsibility for all actions or injury that may result by participation.

Name:______________________________________ Phone Number______________

Address: _____________________________________________________________

City:_________________________ State/Prov:__________ Zip Code:_____________


Check the activities that are of interest to you (check all that apply):

Display Picnic table display unit
Sales Demonstration
Competition (see Judging Categories)

01 Novice (all types of carvings)
02 Myth and Legend (including Santas)
03 Canes and Walking Sticks
04 Bark Carving
05 Game Birds
06 Non-game Birds (Song Birds)
07 Non-game Birds (Raptors)
08 Non-game Birds (Loons, shore birds)
09 Animals – Realistic (except birds, fish, and stylized animals)
10 Animals – Caricatures
11 Human Realistic
12 Human – Caricatures
13 Stylized (including birds and animals)
14 Relief Carving (including Wood cuts – must provide wood block)
15 Chip Carving
16 Wood Burning
17 Natural Materials (bone, antler, stone and found wood not including bark)
18 Fish, Marine, Reptiles and Amphibians
19 Intarsia
20 Revolving (2011 – Gourds)
21 Miscellaneous (any carving that does not fit in any other category)
22 Just for Show
23 Friends of the Park Award (previously the Mayor's award)

  1. Entries for the novice category are for carvers with less than one year experience.

  1. Up to 3 pieces can be entered in each category as listed above. You cannot enter a carving in another category if it fits within an existing category. For example: a game bird could not be placed in the miscellaneous category.
  2. All work entered cannot have been entered in any previous Lake Bronson International Woodcarvers Festival competitions.
  1. All exhibits entered for judging must remain on display from 12:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday in order to be eligible for the People’s Choice Award.


Registration for competition entry is from 7:30 to 8:30 am on Saturday August 6th at the Visitor's Center.

Competitors should cover all identifying marks with tape, for example initials, names, and logos. This would speed up registration. Materials will be available at the registration table.

Entries may be sent with a representative; however, no mailed entries will be accepted.


Each category may be awarded a Blue, Red, and up to two Honorable Mention Awards (except the Friends of the Park Award).

A plaque will be awarded for the Friends of the Park Award.

A Plaque and $50 will be awarded to the Best of Show and the People’s Choice Award.

If you are coming to the Woodcarver's Festival from Canada, please check with both U.S. and Canadian Customs’ offices.


The following motels are within twenty miles of the park

Northstar Motor Inn
305 Main St. S
Karlstad, MN 56732
Phone: (218) 436-2494

Gateway Motel
702 S. Atlantic
Hallock, MN 56728
Phone: (218) 843-2032

Emerald Lodge Motel
Hwy. 32 South
Greenbush, MN 56726
Phone: (218) 782-2990

Valley Motel
Hwy 75 South
Hallock, MN 56728
Phone: (218) 843-2828

Budget Host Caribou Inn Motel
203 Broadway St. South
Hallock, MN 5672
Phone: (218) 843-3702


The woodcarving seminar will take place from Thursday August 4 to Friday August 5, 2011, 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (lunch 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

Instructor: Dick Johnson

Skill Level: Advanced Beginner to Advanced
Class Maximum: 12 Students
Class Cost: $50.00 USD (includes class, blank)
Extra Blanks: $20.00 USD

Woodcarving Seminar Registration

Name: _______________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

Telephone: _________________ Email: __________________________

Enclose $50.00 USD Check or Money Order payable to: Friends of Lake Bronson State Park.

Mail to: Tammy Blawat, 25370 County Road 7, Greenbush, MN 56726

Make sure you check out our Facebook page and "Like" us to see all of the updated details regarding The Festival by going to this link  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/International-Woodcarving-Arts-Festival-August-4th-7th/163934203670105

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Alternative Lodging Available at the International Woodcarving & Arts Festival

Lodging is available this year for vendors and artists at Galilee Bible Camp within Lake Bronson State Park the nights of August 5, 6, 7th, 2011 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)

Dorm style accommodations: Private bedroom and shared bath facilities.

Campers need to bring their own bed linen and towels. Consider bringing a fan, small floor rug and flashlight. Building is not locked, secure valuables.
Amenities: Microwave, stove, refrigerator, coffee maker, lounge area, campfire ring, swingset, sandbox.
Firewood available for purchase at the park office. Firewood brought into the park needs a receipt as evidence it was purchased from a DNR approved vendor.

Fee: $10/per person/per night

Contact Rachel Green at 218.782.2266 or  rachelgreen@wiktel.com

Make sure you check out our Facebook page and "Like" us to see all of the updated details regarding The Festival by going to this link  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/International-Woodcarving-Arts-Festival-August-4th-7th/163934203670105

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Seeking Vendors for the International Woodcarving & Arts Festival

 Currently Seeking Vendors
2011 International Woodcarving and Arts Festival
Lake Bronson State Park
Vendor Displays: Saturday (9-5)-Sunday (10-4), August 6-7

The Friends of Lake Bronson State Park are sponsoring this year’s festival. A woodcarving class and Visual Arts workshop will be held on Friday, Aug. 5Arts and crafts vendors, quilt displays and demonstrations, musicians, food, and children’s activities will be available on Saturday and Sunday.

Event sponsor reserves the right to request photos of work as evidence of quality prior to accepting registrations.

Any artisan who designs and produces original work in any medium is eligible to participate.

Vendors with fresh produce and homegrown canned food items will be accepted.

We are not accepting flea market, commercial vendors or resale items. As an alternative, these vendors can participate in Augustfest in the city of Lake Bronson on Saturday and Sunday, contact Pat Nurgeson at the city office, 218.754.2710

All booth spaces are outdoors.

Electricity is not available.

All space assignments will be determined by event sponsor.

Standard vendor space measures 15 x15 ft., if more space is desired, please inquire and we will try to accommodate.

Vendors are responsible for providing their own table, chairs, displays etc.

Vendors will be instructed on location of designated trailer parking upon arrival and registration.

No fees are being charged as this is a reorganizing year for the festival. We anticipate implementing booth fees in subsequent years.

Vendors are required to attend both days of the event.

Be aware that night security is not provided by park staff or festival personnel.

Camping is not allowed in booth spaces, only in designated park campgrounds.

Rustic dorm style lodging is available at Galilee Bible Camp within the park Friday and Saturday, $20/night, inquire if interested to receive registration form.

Artists assume full responsibility for the care, security and safety of work and exhibit area. Friends of Lake Bronson State Park assume no liability for loss or damage to goods.

There will be a FREE pancake breakfast served Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Park passes are required for entry into the park, $5/day or $20/annual

Please register at the Visitor Center when you arrive.

Information: Contact Donna Lotecki at donnal1@mymts.net or Rachel Green at (218)782-2266 or rachelgreen@wiktel.com.
This activity is funded, in part by a grant from the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council and the Minnesota arts and cultural heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008


Event Schedule - International Woodcarving & Arts Festival - August 4-7th, 2011

8am to 5pm - Woodcarving class at the Park Visitor Center (Pre-registration required)
8am to 5pm - Woodcarving class at the Park Visitor Center

TBA - "Leah's Tourney" the second annual charity golf tournament in memory of Leah Burton.  Pre-registration is required.  More details and contact information coming soon.

2-5pm - Visual Artist Workshop at the Galilee Bible Camp conducted by Artists Unlimited & Others

2-5pm - Fused Glasswork Workshop at the Galilee Bible Camp conducted by Jolene Juhl

4pm - Third Annual “Cruise - See - ‘Em at the Museum” including a Picnic Supper serving up brats and burgers along with a Car Cruise and antique snowmobile show with trophies for people’s choice for both categories at the Kittson County Museum grounds. A Parade of Cars through Lake Bronson State Park follows.

Both Saturday and Sunday during festival hours

Woodcarving Displays at the Park Visitor Center

Children’s Carnival Games courtesy of the Lake Bronson Lions

Woodcarvings, Arts & Craft vendors throughout the park

Strolling minstrel Harold Antonio

Chainsaw Artist Joel Wavra at various times throughout both days

Artists Unlimited - Annual art show at the Kittson County Museum on Main Street in downtown Lake Bronson

Quilting Techniques - Displays of various styles of quilts including water color and Bargello. Hands on demonstrations in the art of Bargello at the Park Visitor Center presented by artist Joan Wilebski tentatively at 9:30am, 11am & 2pm.

Monarch Man - Displays of the state butterfly in various stages of development along with a 20 minute CD presentation featuring the life cycle of the monarch. Individual sessions each day covering:

10am - Life Cycle of the Monarch
1pm - Creating a butterfly garden
3pm - The Monarch’s amazing migration
TBD - Monarch Banding

Maggie’s Food Wagon - Food by Maggie Lindgren. Serving up Hamburgers, French Fries and deep fried tacos among other delectable treats

Saturday (Festival hours 9am - 5pm)
Loom Display - Hands on demonstrations located at the Lake Bronson DAC (Day ActivityCenter) located North of the school during hours of the festival

The Bead Gypsy will be demonstrating her unique art form until approximately 3pm

Antique Car Show -all day in the village of Lake Bronson in conjunction with their Augustfest celebration

10am - Kids Egg Drop at the Observation Tower sponsored by the Greenbush Women of Today

** 10am - Flea Market & Rummage Sales at various location within the town of Lake Bronson

** 10am-3pm - Antique Collector Tractor Show located near the grocery store in Lake Bronson

** 10am-1am - Beer Garden & Food adjacent to the American Legion Hall in Lake Bronson

** 11am - Registration for parades at the Museum in Lake Bronson

** 11am-1pm - Bake & Food Sale in the American Legion Hall in Lake Bronson

11:30am - Kids Scavenger Hunt sponsored by the Greenbush Women of Today

** Noon - Kiddie Parade followed by Main Parade on Lake Bronson’s Main Street

1-4pm - Pie and Ice Cream Social at the Community Center in Lake Bronson, event sponsored by the Zion Lutheran Church WELCA

2-3pm - The Poppleridge Pickers perform a mix of gospel, country, and bluegrass music

** 2pm-6pm - “Entertainment” Inflatable Kids Games at the softball diamond in Lake Bronson

** 2:30pm - Tractor judging followed by the announcement of the winners

** 3pm - Lawnmower Races held at the Maverick Bar lot in Lake Bronson

4-5pm - Ray & Katrice Housker perform traditional country music

** 5pm-7pm - Pork Supper served in the Village Square in Lake Bronson

** 7pm-9pm - Old Tyme Music in the Village Square in Lake Bronson

** 9pm-1am - Street Dance featuring “Flying Blind” in Lake Bronson

Sunday (Festival hours 10am - 4pm)

7:30am a free breakfast will be served at the Park Visitor Center for all artists and vendors.

11am - Wes and Barb Staie perform country and gospel music

1pm - Slough Grass Family Band Absolute Beginner Bluegrass instrument workshop followed by the band performing a set at approximately 2:15pm.

4pm - Woodcarving Awards and Raffle Drawings


This Festival was made possible by the generous support of the Northwest Minnesota Arts Council and the Clean Water & Legacy Amendment.


** A Lake Bronson August Fest Event held in conjunction with IWAF

All times, events, and participants subject to change

Make sure you check out our Facebook page and "Like" us to see all of the updated details regarding The Festival by going to this link  http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/International-Woodcarving-Arts-Festival-August-4th-7th/163934203670105